San Clemente to Carlsbad

We leave San Clemente on the world’s widest cycle path.
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We’re approaching our destination: the border is about 20 miles south of San Diego.
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We pass SONGS: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.  Some environmental groups refer to this as Fukushima USA, as it’s in a tsunami zone and the station is right on the beach.
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The bike route now passes through an active US Marine Corps base, Camp Pendleton.
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We pass through a checkpoint where our passports are inspected by the military police.  They’ve got rules, also.  Sometimes they close the path, and then you have to ride down Interstate 5, which I imagine is a bit like riding down the M4.  It’s open today, though.
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The road is deserted apart from cyclists, and often quite ropey.  There’s a good bit, though, where they’ve resurfaced it so they can practice landing aircraft on it.  There are a lot of helicopters flying around, and muffled gunfire from over the hills.
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We finally pop out of the camp in Oceanside and have a cup of coffee in the Nautical Bean.
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From Oceanside, we ride past another lot of beaches and eventually into Carlsbad.
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Past another power station, and our day is done.
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Tomorrow, San Diego.  Two days to the border.

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