Perfectly Peaceful Parati

We arrive in Parati on schedule, a mere 24 hours after leaving Foz do Iguacu.  Not a bad journey really and we even get some sleep.  The scenery turns lush with green hills and we’re happy to arrive in the beautiful beachside town of Parati.  It’s Saturday evening and the touristy town is full of weekending Brazilians.  After a turn around town, a couple of beers and food (chocolate churros, yum!) we have an early night.  The next morning we walk a dozen paces outside the front door of hostel to our empty beach!
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We spend three days here relaxing.  The picturesque old town is apparently one of Brazil’s most cinematic locations, complete with beautiful buildings and cobblestones so deep it’s awkward to walk in a straight line.   Cute though and the weather is warm and sunny, we’re happy.
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On Sunday the place is still busy with tourists, but then pretty much everyone disappears and we have the place to ourselves, only the birds and the fishermen at work.
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A few paces outside the old town are the normal shops and restaurants and we take advantage of the good value ‘per kilo’ meals.  These are self-service restaurants where you decide what/how much you want, the plate is weighed and you pay the advertised price.  So, maybe you choose steak and lettuce rather than heavy vegetables and rice?  And the same process with the icecream.  Choices, choices.  The local beer is still any number of varieties of lager, all tasting much the same.  But, the local Caipirinhas are excellent and made with (extremely strong) local cachaca.  See why we don’t do much other than eat, drink and sleep here in Parati?
Just one more long distance bus – Rio de Janeiro here we come!

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