Amritsar and the Golden Palace

We arrive in Amritsar late, as our train comes to an unscheduled halt outside the last stop before our destination. The guard is sitting near us, and is often on his mobile, so I pick up a couple of English words in his conversation: “power” and “failure”. After an hour or so, the train restarts, […]

Shimla, Chandigarh and Being Exotic

Well, off we went to New Delhi Railway Station to catch a train up to Shimla, in the hills. The station is predictably busy: the sheer press of humanity in the urban areas impresses us every time we see it.

After a quick change in Chandigarh, we arrive in Kalka to pick up the Kalka/Shimla […]

Arriving in India, Landing in Delhi

So, we landed at Delhi after a night flight, somewhat tired, and took a taxi to our hotel. The driver had some problems finding it, perhaps because Delhi is a big place, with 30 million inhabitants. It’s a pity he didn’t know that it is near the 108-foot high statue of Hanuman, the monkey god, […]

A Stop-over in Istanbul

When we were booking our flights to India Turkish Airlines had the cheapest flights, connecting in Istanbul. We decided to stay over for four nights and take in the sights, sounds and tastes rather than hacking straight on to Delhi. We landed in the late afternoon and caught the metro into town, easy journey so […]

Around India by Train

Well, it’s been a while since we came home from South America. The summer was great this year, but the nights are drawing in now, so we’re off to warmer climes: Istanbul for a few days, and then Delhi. We’ll be travelling around Northern India by train, which should be top fun. We’ve got our […]