Relaxing in Goa, the End of the Trip

We arrive at the domestic air terminal in Mumbai, check in quickly and find some coffee The security is tight and the whole place nice and clean. Normal really, we’re just not used to it.

It’s a short flight to Panaji, capital of Goa, occupied by the Portuguese until 1961. It’s a beautiful place with colourful buildings and very friendly people. In fact it seems like we’ve landed in a different country! It is hot though, about 30 degrees – no wonder this tourist looks hot.

Panaji has some beautiful buildings, including this book shop which was apparently featured in the Bourne Supremacy.

We take a short trip down the coast for Paul to go diving on a off-shore island. The underwater visibility was about 4m, pretty bad really. The dive guide explains that this is down to large rivers draining in the Sea here, and also pollution. A strange experience really, like diving on Anglesey in the 70s.

We research where to go next. It seems north Goa is a bit party-ish so we pick a small place called Benaulim which was recommended some weeks ago by travellers we met in Varanasi. Benaulim is a quiet, sleepy little beach village still with the Portuguese twist. It’s a place many retired Europeans come for the winter months, and who can blame them as it’s so cheap to lodge, eat and drink. The beach is beautiful.

It’s tough :’) but we manage to spend almost two weeks here. We take long walks along the beach morning and evening, cool off in the water, read a lot of books and eat in most of the beachside restaurants. A great way relax after the trip.

And that’s it ! Thanks to all our readers. We’ll be home in a few days to sort through our thousands of photos and get back to real life!

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