Redondo Beach Rest Day, and then Sunset Beach

Our rest day follows it’s usual course.  I go and find coffee and croissants somewhere when I awake, and then we lounge about and get up at about 9-ish.  In this case, it’s at a donut place in the mall over the road.  We then take a walk to Redondo Pier, where there’s a lot of fishing going on.  A Night Heron also lives here, cadging fish.
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Day fishing boats tie up here also, which the pelicans know.  They come and do some cadging of their own.
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It’s a nice, clear day here in Southern California.  Top power stations, guys.
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We walk back in the evening for a drink at Naja’s, which has 70 beers, though not in the ceiling.
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I have a couple of Sierra Nevadas, one of my favourites.  Nice pants, dude.
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The next day, we’re off to Sunset Beach, just south of Los Angeles.  This involves 20 miles or so of cycling through the cities of Torrance and Long Beach.  I’m sure Long Beach has some nice bits, but we’re going to ride through the less attractive areas: the industrial bits around the Port of Los Angeles.  We leave our motel and ride down the Pacific Coast Highway, locally known as the PCH.  We pass lots of malls for the first five miles or so.
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Then we’re into Long Beach, and the landscape becomes more industrial and smelly.  Reminds me of where I grew up, Bootle, near Liverpool.  I well remember the smell of the gas works, and the tannery.  The roads aren’t too busy, as it’s a weekday at about 11am.
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All goes well apart from a slight wobble where Diane misses where I’ve gone and almost ends up on the freeway heading to the attractively-named Terminal Island.
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Anyway, after that we’re laughing, and we soon arrive in Sunset Beach.  Here I am waiting for our hotel check-in time to come round, as we’re a bit early, reading a book on my Kindle.
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It’s a nice place, and you can almost see Long Beach in the distance.
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Off to San Clemente tomorrow.

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